As part of the Memorandum of Understanding between NADA Austria and the Montenegrin Anti-Doping Commission, which was concluded in 2024, NADA Austria CEO and Chairman of CEADO Michael Cepic, met with with sports and government representatives for supporting the development of a new anti-doping law.
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The Central European Anti-Doping Organization (CEADO) has renewed its memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), reaffirming their collaboration on the development of specific anti-doping programs. A key focus remains the mentoring project aimed at supporting some of the former Eastern Europe Regional Anti-Doping Organization (EERADO) member countries.
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Chairman of CEADO and CEO of NADA Austria, Mag. Michael Cepic plays a pivotal role in the global anti-doping landscape as a member of the NADO Expert Advisory Group. Through this position, he also serves on the Foundation Board of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the organization’s highest decision-making body.
show more zu Michael Cepic represents NADO/CEADO Expertise on WADA Foundation Board